Project Title

Design and Prototype of Automatic In-Vehicle Road Sign Delivery System
Design and Prototype of Automatic In-Vehicle Road Sign Delivery System

We Will Develop such a system that alerts vehicle drivers about approaching road oddities at an optimum distance before encountering them. The objective is to design a wireless system that delivers road signs (and other road-related information) to the commuter inside his/her vehicle visually and aurally, at an appropriate distance before encountering the corresponding road aberrations.

This project can be done in two different ways…

1. RFID Based System Design

In this we will be installing RFID Tags on existing road sign boards by assigning a unique road sign ID in it. the TAG must be passive type in real scenario so that it does not requires any power supply. But to demonstrate our project prototype we will be making it using wireless transmitter module which will transmit a specific unique ID. The hardware inside the vehicle will receive the ID and will match with inside table of sign or meanings and will display that on the LCD or Graphic LCD along with voice announcements.

2. GPS Based System Design

In this we will not require to install any hardware on the road sign board making the system most cost effective and practicable. Instead we will use GPS Rx Module installed in the vehicle to get the live location of the vehicle. Which will be finally compared with stored database for its distance with any nearby road sign board. Once detected, the hardware inside the vehicle will display that on the LCD or Graphic LCD along with voice announcements.

For More Details OR to Get This Project Developed For You, Please Call or Whatsapp : +919820589783

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